Does anyone know if pepcid ac loses its potency if you do not keep it in an air tight container??

I ask because, I like to keep a couple pepcid ac tablets in my wallet for when I need them, without having to carry the whole plastic container with me all the time.

I noticed that when I used the ones out of my wallet (which have been in there for over a week), my face turns quite red. But when I took the pepcid ac straight from the container, I don't go red...

Does anyone have any thoughts?? Does anyone else carry pepcid in their wallet/purse??

yo, not posted in a while. My opinion is that antacids DOES have an effect on reducing redness IF you take it with famotidine. Here is why.

I read on wiki that when you take generic famotidine such as Pepcid AC, it is absorbed into the walls of our stomach, but it is only about 50% (or less) efficient. However, if you take an antacid with the famotidine, it increases the absorption efficiency and therefore increasing the productivity of famotidine. We have all known for some time that Pepcid AC reduces redness but no one really knows why. By taking an antacid with it, it should increase its effectiveness in hiding the glow - that is according to wiki! read the last paragraph in "History and Development"

Over the counter stuff such as Pepcid Complete falls into the catagory of drugs that contain both famotidine and antacids.

I live in the UK and we have PepcidTwo which is a combo drug containing 10mg famotidine, 800g calcium carbonate and 165mg magnesium hydroxide. I also got some Pepcid AC 20mg famotidine off ebay.


1. I've been taking PepcidTWO for a while now. It worked worked great for the first year. I could drink as much and as fast as I wanted and all I got was a very slight glow when it would otherwise have been red hot. Its effects started to wear off after about a year.

2. Started taking Pepcid AC on its own 20mg famotidine. It was ok, masked the redness but only when I drank slowly. Any huge gulps would cause the redness to show.

3. Recently, started taking one PepcidTwo and one Pecip AC. Works better when taken together than taken separately - for me anyway.

It would be interesting to hear what other ppl experiences are with the combination of famo and antacids.

As my user name suggests, my face looks like a baboon's butt after a drink, and about 2 years ago I started taking PEPCID TWO which is a UK product similar to pepcid AC because you can't buy pepcid AC here. Pepcid Two contains 10mg of the active ingredient Famotidine. It worked great for about a year, my face would only exhibit a mild pink glow opposed to the regular red hot beating of the sun. I don't drink very regularly. Maybe once or twice a month.

It was great. But about 9months ago, I realised that the pepcid two was becoming less effective. My face began turning redder and redder. Obviously not as red as if I hadn't taken pepcid two. I don't really understand why this has happened. It's as if my body has gotten used it and refuses to give me the same effects I experienced when I first started using it.

My question is, has anyone else experienced this? Or can anyone give me any information about why this might happen?

I am considering increasing the dosage to 20mg although the instructions say not to consume more than one in 24hrs! I have also tried zantac, but it doesn't seem to work for me.

Your responses are much appreciated.