Quick introduction,
I'm born in Taiwan, grew up and live in Sweden. I've always suffered from redness when drinking which has caused me a lot of social anxiety during my teenage years. I've been using Pepcid AC for little over a year now and it works just perfect for me. I still turn red if I try to eat something while drinking and even sometimes the day after depending on the amount of alcohol consumed the night before. (I'm assuming that I have the single copy gene since I can drink a fair amount of alcohol without barfing).
I just yesterday read about the elevated risk of incurring cancer. Been researching all morning on the Internet and now I'm thinking - both public humiliation and penalty of death - just terrific.
Does anyone know of any statistics on this esophageal cancer among the azn population? I mean, if getting cancer is 6-10 times more likely if you have this deficiency and the deficiency is more common among azn ppl - then the actual number of azn ppl with this type of cancer should be significantly larger than the worldwide average - don't you agree?
I'm also wondering if having 5-6 beers during the week-end is considered as such "heavy drinking" increasing the cancer risk as mentioned above...
Apologies for any crappy English.
Cheers from Sweden and someone who is not ready to give up alcohol altogether (yet).