430pm - Took 40mg Pepcid AC
530pm - First drink was a large sangria. I'm not sure how much wine was in it, but I've had sangria before and turned red pretty quick.
530-830pm - Dinner w/ 1 horchata boracha, 1 mojito.
9pm - Pint of beer

No redness at all, no heart-pounding, no breathing problems, no red eyes. I probably didn't need 40mg considering I can sometimes get by 1 drink with minimal pinkness. I'll try just 20mg next time.

I must say, the ability to drink without turning red and looking beat up is such a relief. I wish I knew this in college. Now I can hang out without being singled out for being drunk, without all the comments and looks.

This weekend will be the real test. House party at my coworker's house. Hopefully I'll be able to drink like everyone else without being the big joke the following Monday.

I was thinking, Pepcid works by blocking the acids that digest the alcohol right? But when you eat, extra acid is released, more than the Pepcid can handle. That's why it's less effective for the redness when we eat at the same time.

If this is the case, it makes sense to use the famotine to fix the alcohol problem and use calcium (i.e. Tums) to counteract the increased stomach acid.

I'm going out in about 30 min for some drinks. I had 40mg of famotine about 10 min ago. I'll report my results later.

Next time, I'll try the Pepcid + Tums combo.

Just found this place after yet another night out with the usual questions/comments about my red face.

"So I guess you don't drink much huh?"
"Are you OK? You look hot"
"Are you OK to drive?"

It's getting to be a hassle. I hope Pepcid works for me like how it works for most of you guys. There's a party tomorrow after work and I'm optimistic about being able to drink freely!
It sucks. If I drink slow, I can usually get through 1 drink with just some pinkness. 2 drinks and I'm a beet. I feel hot, my heart is racing, my nose is stuffy. I'm just barely buzzed, yet people assume I'm pissed drunk. I'm a good sized guy too. about 5'10", 195lbs.

So I went and bought some store generic Pepcid AC on my way home from work. I took 20mg about 30 min ago and I'm having a beer now as I type. I had dinner about 1.5 hrs ago.

1/2 beer - heart rate increased slightly, but no signs of redness
2/3 beer - feeling a buzz. face feels slightly warm. heart rate normal.
1 beer - chugged the rest of it. eyes feeling warm.

My cheeks are very slightly pink. Any blemishes on my face appear pinker than the rest of my face.
Not too bad. Right now, after 1 drink, I look like I had 1/4 of a drink.

I'll post again after the party when I test it out against multiple drinks.