430pm - Took 40mg Pepcid AC
530pm - First drink was a large sangria. I'm not sure how much wine was in it, but I've had sangria before and turned red pretty quick.
530-830pm - Dinner w/ 1 horchata boracha, 1 mojito.
9pm - Pint of beer
No redness at all, no heart-pounding, no breathing problems, no red eyes. I probably didn't need 40mg considering I can sometimes get by 1 drink with minimal pinkness. I'll try just 20mg next time.
I must say, the ability to drink without turning red and looking beat up is such a relief. I wish I knew this in college. Now I can hang out without being singled out for being drunk, without all the comments and looks.
This weekend will be the real test. House party at my coworker's house. Hopefully I'll be able to drink like everyone else without being the big joke the following Monday.