Dimples25 wrote:


what's that?


absucks: lol, yeah, but sometimes it's hard to control ;)  haha

still, are you saying, YES indeed they DO actually smell WORSE with NAC??

absucks - but does it make your farts smell worse?  (that's what an earlier post pasted by echeng said)


(137 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

has there been anything on proton pump inhibitors like prilosec (omeprazole)?

okay, after several months of trying pepcid, there are some of my observations:

- effectiveness varies.  when you last ate, what types of drinks you have, types of activity (dancing/clubbing or just chillin'), etc.

- even when it "works", it will only help to reduce the redness.  it does NOT seem to help with the other symptoms, such as the increased heartbeat and that "not-quite-a-headache" type feeling.


(9 replies, posted in Focused Discussion)

http://www.jannachan.com/groupthink/arc … 00062.html
in the "silent killer" article's comments, there is a post by "patrick cochrane" who pushes a product called "Cheerz" while advising against overuse of pepcid due to side-effects.  he then links to a website at: http://www.cheerzhangover.com/asian-flush.htm

anyone try this product?  is it just another scam?

hmm...  from what i'm reading here, using these H2's, when they happen to work for the individual, only alleviates the redness - NOT the increased heartrate.  i assume this means that those who usually also get inflammation of the respiratory tract (throat, chest/lungs, etc) will find no relief for that either.

yes, it is nice for social drinking not to get red anymore, but i'd like it even more if there were a way to deal with the heartrate/breathing discomfort.