
check out ebay and the above listed seller/stores on ebay. they sell to "worldwide" and so i am assuming china/hongkong would be included, but you should email the seller via ebay to make sure.i happened to have an american bank account so it was easy to set up paypal and pay, but you can probably still do it without an account in america. anyway, check it out. i haven't received anything, seeing as it isn't supposed to arrive for another few days, but i am pretty confident it will arrive as i was told.  i'll keep you posted.:D


Thanks, I'll check it out.  I actually just bought from "47farenheit" though.  It's a store on Ebay.  It was 150p of maximum pepcid ac for a total of $47.72 (including shipping and handling to Japan), so $.32/pill.  Not bad.  I'll compare that to "pharmartintl".  Thanks again (^-^)/


Could you give me the name of the person or store that you bought it from on ebay?  I'd greatly appreciate it, thanks.

Dimples25 and whoever is reading,

Thanks, I'll check out Ebay.  I'm assuming that Japan doesn't distribute pepcid ac here then.  For anybody's info, I'm half Japanese and I take 2x 20maximum strength Pepcid AC that I got in America about an hour before I start drinking and it works like a charm, but I'm almost out!  Anyway, if any readers are in Japan or know of pepcid ac in Japan, I would be greatly appreciative for any info regarding purchasing.  arigatou!

Hello everybody.  Does anybody knows of any way to buy pepcid ac or anything similar in Japan?!:/