I tried to take a spherical panorama inside 16th Street Station in Oakland, today. The prototype DJI Inspire 1 w/Zenmuse X5′s Visual Positioning System wasn’t working, so I had to pilot manually the whole time in ATTI, which was challenging for aerial panorama movements. There were a couple major issues with my attemps:
1) I underexposed by about 3 stops, which wasn’t ideal. The super bright windows made exposure challenging, and I mistakenly didn’t use the live histogram (and live view looked fine). Despite underexposing by 3 stops, the final product actually looks pretty good.
2) I forgot to take a picture straight up, which the gimbal’s max upward tilt of +30º was unable to capture. I should have taken another shot with a land camera from the ground.
I can’t embed the final pano here, but you can check it out and interact with it at 360 Cities here: https://www.360cities.net/image/16th-street-station-oakland-ca-the-bay-area
The fact that I was able to bump images shot at ISO 800 by 3 stops and make this pano is a testament to the quality of the Micro Four Thirds sensor in the Zenmuse X5. Pano was 55 images, stitched in Autopano Giga 4.0.
Here’s a shot of the Inspire in the air inside the station: