Untitled - Eric Cheng


Anyone who is in the hobby long enough eventually ends up ordering something from HobbyKing, an online hobby store based in Hong Kong. Assuming you are willing to wait a few weeks for a shipment (they are in Asia), HobbyKing is by far the cheapest source for batteries, chargers, connectors, and even feature-laden radios and other products. Hobby King has standardized around the XT60 2-pin, Nylon battery connector (top photo). The connector was designed by hexTronic, who have deliberately not filed a patent on its design in order to encourage proliferation.

I love the XT60 connector. It is inexpensive (5 pairs for $3.19 + shipping), connects securely, is easy to solder, and is not easy to short out because all exposed metal is recessed and/or designed to be covered by heat shrink tubing. HobbyKing claims that the XT60 connector can handle 60A for extended periods of time without exceeding 80ºC, and the nylon XT60 connectors I have purchased directly from them have all been high in quality—I haven’t had to replace a single connector due to poor manufacturing. Highly recommended.