Category: Articles - Eric Cheng

Category: Articles

DIY refillable Liebherr charcoal filter (and other filters)

Pry the lid off of your Liebherr charcoal filter and to make it refillable (try this on other disposable filters, too!)

A webpage showing a backup archive from Apple Messages

Backing up Apple Messages

My Apple Messages archive is around 40GB across 2445 threads and goes back to 2012. I love having all of my messages instantly available on all of my Apple devices, but the size of the archive is getting out of control. I decided it was time to archive all of my old messages...

3D-printed FasTrak Flex suction cup mount

3D-printed FasTrak Flex suction cup mount

Designing and 3D-printing a FasTrak Flex suction cup mount for a vehicle windshield.

Rivian wheels with and without Aero cover

3D-printed Rivian Wheel Center Cap for 21″ Aero Wheels

For a Father's Day project, I took some time for myself and 3D-printed 4 Rivian Wheel Center Caps using PETG-CF filament in a Bambu Lab X1-Carbon.

Extracting spatial videos and panoramas from local photo libraries (for Vision Pro)

With Apple Vision Pro's pleasing presentation of panoramas and spatial videos, I needed a way to identify and extract both formats from local file storage.

The mess of prescription optical inserts for VR headsets

I've been looking into prescription optical inserts for my VR headsets so I don't need to get a special contact lens prescription just for VR use... and it's messy.

ProFind is the Everything search equivalent for Macs

ProFind: the closest thing to Everything search on a Mac (a game changer)

The thing I miss the most about using a Windows machine as my primary computer is Everything, by voidtools. Last month, I finally found and tried ProFind...

Universal Control

Apple’s Universal Control loses connection constantly

As a long time Synergy user, I was excited to switch to Universal Control for single keyboard and mouse sharing between two Macs. Now that I'm on OS X Ventura v13.5.2, I find that it constantly disconnects...

Meta Horizon Workrooms “lean back” move is the most immersive thing

This might seem like a minor thing, but when we're screen sharing in presentation mode in Meta Horizon Workrooms (a VR workspace), sometimes someone starts talking and it makes me "lean back" to establish eye contact. We're lined up classroom style, and the room is set up to allow everyone to see a large shared screen...